Part 15: Part XV: The Lost Archive
Part XV: The Lost Archive
Part 1
Part 2
A two-parter episode covering the major DLC for this game, entitled "The Lost Archive". This DLC tells the story of Subject 16 joining the Assassins, his infiltration of Abstergo to find out what they're up to, what happened with Lucy, and most

Joining me for part 1 is America's Greatest Patriot, Tim Howard, and for part 2, Brazil's Stunningly Bad Performance in the Semi-Finals of the World Cup.
As much fun as we've had with the blocks for this and the last update, we're done with the block puzzles. Next update we'll be going right back into Ezio's story for a very dramatic video that covers all of Sequence 7 in a single bound. I should also note that by buying The Lost Archive, you gain access to all of the pre-order DLC stuff, including Vlad the Impaler's Tomb, several multiplayer characters, including my favorite, the evil doctor, and several maps. It's a pretty good deal, and one Ubisoft's been more or less doing since Brotherhood and the Da Vinci Disappearance.